You have almost completed this semester, so, how do you view Critical Literacy now? If you have any comments and suggestions, please do so as it helps for the betterment of the course as a whole.
As I have almost completed my fourth semester, this means that I am also almost completed learning Critical Literacy. This means that a lot that I have learned from this subject such as how to find good arguments and evidences, how to evaluate sources and the credibility of a writer. So, my view is that even though I am almost done with this subject, I still felt the difficulty of fulfilling the core course of this subject which is the rule of 10. I still can't manage to understand on how to identify the beliefs of the author, especially for a very long text. Somehow, in the class I think I manage to understand how to identify the rules but I am wrong as when I am trying to do the exercises given, I failed to come out with a good understanding of the text.
My comments and suggestions is that for this particular subject, it is better to be conducted in different classes. I can see that somehow, during mass lecture, students can't pay their attention, and if they are able to do so, they are struggling their best to give their attention to the lecturer in front. There are even some students even skipped the mass lecture just because of they think that they won't be able to give their attention in the lecture.
Other than that, my concern is that students is given more time for consultation as what happened during my batch is that there are a big number of students and they have to compete and even fight with their friends just to consulting the lecturers. I have seen a lot during the consultation week that the students have to be packed in the lecturer's room. This sometimes inflicts discomfort to the lecturers as well as the students.