Friday, March 18, 2016

Money & Happiness

"If money were the only criterion by which  a child's welfare can be gauged, then a baby bought for as much as RM40,000 on the black market would seem set for life. For money-rich but child-poor couples, it is a small price to pay to introduce a small life into their home. The cot is gilded, the blanket monogrammed, the college fund filled to the brim. All that's wanting is a bun in the oven. And where there is a baby-for-sale racket, money can indeed buy happiness. And after all, why not?" (NST, March 3, 2013)

  • Provide at least two (2) premises or two (2) counter agreements for the statements based on your agreement.

In my opinion, yes, money indeed can buy happiness. This is as stated in Brecht (2016), in today's world where the advancement of technology is almost everywhere, satisfaction can be found when there is this principle which allow people to shop first then pay later for the goods. With the existence of internet, a lot of sites which provide online shopping is created and this ease people to satisfy their needs, wants and demands in a shorter time. People can just choose whatever they want and they can pay through online banking or credit card. For an instance, when you shop at Amazon, there is this program called Prime program where it gives you two-day shipping for all purchases. This explained the concept of pay now, consume later.

Next, money also can buy what it can't before which is experience. White (2014) stated that spending money buying experiences rather than material as material, one fine day will lost its luster while experience is a lifetime material. People gain their experiences through real-life moments such as travelling overseas. Travelling, of course it costs money and this shown that somehow without money, people can't be happy. There is this saying "money can't buy happiness, but it can buy chocolate which is likely the same thing". This means that even though the old told us that money can't buy us happiness, but actually money did buy the happiness. By travelling, we find our own pleasure and gratification. This is clearly proven that when there is money, there will be happiness.

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