Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Expectations & Hope

You heard comments and maybe grievances from your seniors about Critical Literacy, but what is/are your expectation (s) or hope for this subject as you are just started.

Source: LinkedIn

Ever since I was in my first semester, I've heard a lot about a particular subject that every students of Diploma in English Communication (DEC) will learn during their semester 4 which is said as a very hard subject that will create turbulence to the result named as Critical Literacy. After hearing all those comments from my seniors who were taken this course, my view for this subject is it will be difficult for me. Time flies fast, and now I am in my fourth semester which means it is time for me to face this subject.

At first, I think I will be able to finish this subject flourishingly even after what I've heard from my seniors. But after a few weeks of studying this subject, my expectations going down as I have this kind of feeling that I could not do well in this subject. This is because, a lot of criteria and touchstone needed to succeed in this subject. It is not simply about finishing the assignment and submitting it on time. But, this subject requires a new way to view an article and it teaches the student to not accepting a text or a statement on the surface value.

Next, in the early weeks of learning I expect that I will be able to understand and to do well in finishing the assignments but after I had finished the first assignment, my expectation kills me. I failed to come out with a good understanding of the text and to fulfill the criteria needed to score in this subject. I also failed to come out with better arguments to counter the text. Only then I realized that I should not view this subject lightly and simply take it as a small matter. And only then I know that I can’t simply procrastinate and to take even the simplest thing lightly.

After I have done the first assignment, the hopes that are left for this subject is that I can do very well in the next assignment and for the VIVA presentation. I also hope that lecturers and friends, as well as seniors who have taken the subject willing to help me in every aspect of this subject for me to score. It is a privilege and honor for me if the lecturers and friends can help me to achieve better understanding. I also hope that I will be able to understand the very core business of this subject which is “The Rule of 10” so that I can imply it in my daily life.

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